2012.09.04 14:49
’컴퓨터정보통신연구’, 제13권 제3호 (2005.12), 논문 11편
제 목 | 저 자 |
A Fast Successive Elimination Algorithm For Multiple-reference Images [2005_01.pdf ] | 강현수 |
Apodization Technique in Photopolymer using Three-beam Method [2005_02.pdf ] | 김남, 도덕동 |
Symmetric Binary Grating Working as a Polaring Beamsplitter [2005_03.pdf ] | 김남, Tien Viet Vu |
An Effieient Cache Conscious Multi-dimensional Index Structure for Memory Storage Systems [2005_04.pdf ] | 이석재, 송석일, 유재수 |
An Enhanced Main Memory Index Structure Employing the Level Prefetching Technique [2005_05.pdf ] | 이석재, 송석일, 유재수 |
Design of a Multimedia Streaming Service System [2005_06.pdf ] | 김창수, 유재수 |
Efficient Bandwidth Control Mechanism for MPLS multicast service [2005_07.pdf ] | 최성곤 |
A Mobile Healthcare System for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Patients [2005_08.pdf ] | 이건명, 양원섭, 이경미, 김운재 |
General Principal Ratio Combining for Space-Time Trellis Codes in Correlated Receive Antennas [2005_09.pdf ] | 김영주, 신창섭 |
Design and Evaluation of KBI Cryptic Processor [2005_10.pdf ] | 임영일, 조은주, 조경록, 유영갑 |
Scale Down Structure of ARIA Processor [2005_11.pdf ] | 박진섭, 김영배, 유영갑 |
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